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PHP 命令行(CLI)脚本使用彩色着色类: PHP Class for Coloring PHP Command Line (CLI) Scripts Output


PHP 命令行(CLI)脚本使用彩色着色类 PHP Class for Coloring PHP Command Line (CLI) Scripts Output

PHP 命令行界面 (CLI) 没有内置的脚本输出着色。 我们可以创建自己的类在 PHP CLI 输出上添加颜色。
此类仅适用于 Bash shell。 这个类很容易使用,只需创建类的新实例,调用 getColoredString 函数,

  • colors_class.php

    class Colors
      private $foreground_colors = array();
      private $background_colors = array();
      public function __construct()
          // Set up shell colors
          $this->foreground_colors['black'] = '0;30';
          $this->foreground_colors['dark_gray'] = '1;30';
          $this->foreground_colors['blue'] = '0;34';
          $this->foreground_colors['light_blue'] = '1;34';
          $this->foreground_colors['green'] = '0;32';
          $this->foreground_colors['light_green'] = '1;32';
          $this->foreground_colors['cyan'] = '0;36';
          $this->foreground_colors['light_cyan'] = '1;36';
          $this->foreground_colors['red'] = '0;31';
          $this->foreground_colors['light_red'] = '1;31';
          $this->foreground_colors['purple'] = '0;35';
          $this->foreground_colors['light_purple'] = '1;35';
          $this->foreground_colors['brown'] = '0;33';
          $this->foreground_colors['yellow'] = '1;33';
          $this->foreground_colors['light_gray'] = '0;37';
          $this->foreground_colors['white'] = '1;37';
          $this->background_colors['black'] = '40';
          $this->background_colors['red'] = '41';
          $this->background_colors['green'] = '42';
          $this->background_colors['yellow'] = '43';
          $this->background_colors['blue'] = '44';
          $this->background_colors['magenta'] = '45';
          $this->background_colors['cyan'] = '46';
          $this->background_colors['light_gray'] = '47';
      // Returns colored string
      public function getColoredString($string, $foreground_color = null, $background_color = null)
          $colored_string = "";
          // Check if given foreground color found
          if (isset($this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color])) {
              $colored_string .= "\033[" . $this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color] . "m";
          // Check if given background color found
          if (isset($this->background_colors[$background_color])) {
              $colored_string .= "\033[" . $this->background_colors[$background_color] . "m";
          // Add string and end coloring
          $colored_string .=  $string . "\033[0m";
          return $colored_string;
      // Returns all foreground color names
      public function getForegroundColors()
          return array_keys($this->foreground_colors);
      // Returns all background color names
      public function getBackgroundColors()
          return array_keys($this->background_colors);

    颜色类基本使用示例: Colors class basic usage examples


  • colors.php

      // Create new Colors class
      $colors = new Colors();
      // Test some basic printing with Colors class
      echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is purple string on yellow background.", "purple", "yellow") . "\n";
      echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is blue string on light gray background.", "blue", "light_gray") . "\n";
      echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is red string on black background.", "red", "black") . "\n";
      echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is cyan string on green background.", "cyan", "green") . "\n";
      echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is cyan string on default background.", "cyan") . "\n";
      echo $colors->getColoredString("Testing Colors class, this is default string on cyan background.", null, "cyan") . "\n";

打印所有前景色和背景色: All Foreground and background colors printed

  • all_colors.php

      // Create new Colors class
      $colors = new Colors();
      // Get Foreground Colors
      $fgs = $colors->getForegroundColors();
      // Get Background Colors
      $bgs = $colors->getBackgroundColors();
      // Loop through all foreground and background colors
      $count = count($fgs);
      for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
          echo $colors->getColoredString("Test Foreground colors", $fgs[$i]) . "\t";
          if (isset($bgs[$i])) {
              echo $colors->getColoredString("Test Background colors", null, $bgs[$i]);
          echo "\n";
      echo "\n";
      // Loop through all foreground and background colors
      foreach ($fgs as $fg) {
          foreach ($bgs as $bg) {
              echo $colors->getColoredString("Test Colors", $fg, $bg) . "\t";
          echo "\n";



  • colorize.php

    function colorize($text, $status) {  
     $out = "";  
     switch($status) {  
    case "SUCCESS":  
     $out = "[42m"; //Green background  
    case "FAILURE":  
     $out = "[41m"; //Red background  
    case "WARNING":  
     $out = "[43m"; //Yellow background  
    case "NOTE":  
     $out = "[44m"; //Blue background  
     throw new Exception("Invalid status: " . $status);  
     return chr(27) . "$out" . "$text" . chr(27) . "[0m";  
    echo colorize("Your command was successfully executed...\n", "SUCCESS");  
    echo colorize("Your command was FAILURE executed...\n", "FAILURE");  
    echo colorize("Your command was WARNING executed...\n", "WARNING");  
    echo colorize("Your command was NOTE    info...\n", "NOTE");  
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