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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.ApplyTwoColorFill


Function ApplyTwoColorFill(FileName As String, TileWidth As Long, TileHeight As Long, FirstTileOffsetX As Long, FirstTileOffsetY As Long, RowOffset As Boolean, RowColumnOffset As Long, SeamlessTiling As Boolean, ScaleWithObject As Boolean, RotationAngle As Long, SkewAngle As Long) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The ApplyTwoColorFill method applies a two-color fill to the selected object.

You can use the CorelScriptTools.LengthConvert method, or one of the CorelScriptTools.From... or CorelScriptTools.To... methods, to specify length measurements.

Specifies the name of the two-color fill file
Specifies the object width as a percentage if its value is less than 500 and if the ScaleWithObject parameter is enabled; otherwise, specifies the width in tenths of a micron
Specifies the object height as a percentage if its value is less than 500 and if the ScaleWithObject parameter is enabled; otherwise, specifies the height in tenths of a micron
Specifies the horizontal offset from center of the object, in the same units used by the width and height
Specifies the vertical offset from center of the object, in the same units used by the width and height
Specifies row or column offset. True (-1) enables row offset, False (0) column offset.
Specifies the amount of row or column offset. Valid values range from 0 to 100.
Specifies whether to enable seamless tiling. True (-1) enables seamless tiling, while False (0) disables it.
Specifies whether to scale the pattern with the object. True (-1) enables scaling, while False (0) disables it.
Specifies the amount by which the tile is rotated, in millionths of a degree
Specifies the amount by which the tile is skewed, in millionths of a degree

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