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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScriptTools : Methods : CorelScriptTools.LengthConvert


Function LengthConvert(FromUnit As Long, ToUnit As Long, Value As Double) As Double


Member of CorelScriptTools

The LengthConvert method converts a number from one length measurement to another.

Any number from 1 to 7, indicates the unit of measurement from which to convert:
1 = inches
2 = centimeters
3 = points
4 = Ciceros
5 = didots
6 = picas
7 = tenths of a micron
Any number from 1 to 7, indicates the unit of measurement to convert to
1 = inches
2 = centimeters
3 = points
4 = Ciceros
5 = didots
6 = picas
7 = tenths of a micron
Specifies the value to be converted

Tenths of a micron is the basic unit of measurement in Corel applications such as CorelDRAW and Corel VENTURA.

The following VBA example converts one inch to tenths of a micron. The variable x_microns equals 254,000.

x_microns = LENGTHCONVERT(1, 7, 1)

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