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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScriptTools : Methods : CorelScriptTools.FindFirstFolder


Function FindFirstFolder(SearchCriteria As String, Attributes As Long) As String


Member of CorelScriptTools

You can use the FindFirstFolder and FindNextFolder functions to assemble or perform an operation on a list of files, folders, or both. The FindFirstFolder function is used to locate the first file or first folder in a folder that meets a specified search criteria. The FindNextFolder function is used to locate the next file or next folder that meets the specified search criteria set by the FindFirstFolder. The FindNextFolder function must be used in conjunction with the FindFirstFolder function.

Specifies the files or folders for which to search. You can include wild-card characters (* or ?).
Specifies the type of files or folders you want to use. Use the OR operator to specify multiple file and folder types:
1 = read-only
2 = hidde
4 = system
16 = folders (if not specified, files are used)
32 = archive
128 = normal (not read-only, hidden, system or archive file or folder)
256 = temporary
2048 = compressed

Specifying folder in the attributes parameter (16) by itself does not specify a type of folder. You must use another parameter along with 16 to specify a folder type.

In the following code example, the first loop fills an array (DirArr) with the names of the normal folders in the D:\Corel\Ventura\Samples folder. The second loop searches the folders in the Samples folder for any file with the extension .vp. Any found VP file has its name added to the FilesArr array and has its name displayed in a message box.

dim Dcount%, Fcount% 'creates 2 integer variables
dim FilesArr$(100), DirArr$(100) 'creates 2 string arrays
rem LOOP #1
REM Find all directories in the Samples folder
Dcount = 1
DirArr(Dcount) = FINDFIRSTFOLDER("D:\Corel\Ventura\Samples\*", 16 or 128)
WHILE (DirArr(Dcount) <> "")
 MESSAGE DirArr(Dcount)
 IF DirArr(Dcount) <> "." AND DirArr(Dcount) <> ".." THEN Dcount = Dcount + 1
 DirArr(Dcount) = FINDNEXTFOLDER()
rem LOOP #2
REM Find all *.vp files in each Directory found in earlier loop
DIM i%
Fcount = 1
FOR i% = 1 TO Dcount-1
 FilesArr(Fcount) = FINDFIRSTFOLDER("D:\Corel\Ventura\Samples\" + DirArr(i%) + "\*.vp", 1 or 2 or 4 or 32 or 128)
 WHILE (FilesArr(Fcount) <> "" )
 MESSAGE DirArr(i%) & CHR(13) & FilesArr(Fcount)
  Fcount = Fcount + 1
  FilesArr(Fcount) = FINDNEXTFOLDER()

The following statement in the first loop is used to remove the current (.) folder and parent (..) folder from being sent to the DirArr array:

IF DirArr(Dcount) <> "." AND DirArr(Dcount) <> ".." THEN Dcount = Dcount + 1

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