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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScriptTools : Methods : CorelScriptTools.FileAttr


Function FileAttr(FolderFile As String) As Long


Member of CorelScriptTools

The FileAttr method returns the attributes for a file or folder.

Specifies the file or folder

The FileAttr method returns one of the following values:

0 = file doesn’t exist
1 = read-only files or folder
2 = hidden files or folder
4 = system files or folder used by operating system
16 = folder
32 = archive files or folder
128 = normal files or folder
256 = temporary files or folder
2048 = compressed files and folders

If mysetup.txt is a read-only, hidden system file, retval equals 7:

retval = FILEATTR("C:\myfiles\mysetup.txt")

In cases where multiple attributes are returned, you can use the AND operator to determine specific attributes. To determine whether mysetup.txt is a read-only file, you could use the following syntax:

IF 1 AND retval THEN readOnly$ = "Yes" ELSE readOnly$ = "No"

1 is the read-only attribute. The variable readOnly is assigned a string based on bitwise comparison. In this case, readOnly is assigned Yes.

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