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Object Model Reference : Classes : V : View : Properties : View.UseZoom


Property UseZoom As Boolean


Member of View

The UseZoom property returns or specifies whether the zoom value taken by a view affects when that view becomes active.

If the UseZoom property is set to True, the zoom value in a view is applied when the view becomes active. If the property is set to False, the view’s zoom setting is not applied when the view is active.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates five pages and adds a view for each page. The zoom level is incremented by 50 for each page, and the UseZoom property is set to False.

Sub Test()
 Dim Vw As View
 Dim VwCollection As Views
 Dim intCounter As Integer
 Set VwCollection = ActiveDocument.Views
  For intCounter = 1 To 5
   ActiveDocument.AddPages (1)
   Set Vw = VwCollection.AddActiveView("TestView" & intCounter)
   Vw.Zoom = CDbl(intCounter * 50)
   Vw.UseZoom = False
  Next intCounter
 Set Vw = Nothing
 Set VwCollection = Nothing
End Sub

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