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Object Model Reference : Classes : V : View : Properties : View.Page


Property Page As Page


Member of View

The Page property returns a reference to the page. When a custom view is created, it is associated with a specific document page.

The Page property is applicable only if the UsePage property is set to True.
VBA example

The following VBA example adds a view, returns a reference to the page in the view, and displays the name of the page.

Sub Test()
 Dim Vw As View
 Dim VwCollection As Views
 Dim Pg As Page
 Dim s As String
 Set VwCollection = ActiveDocument.Views
 Set Vw = VwCollection.AddActiveView("TestView")
 Set Pg = Vw.Page
 s = s & Pg.Name & vbCr
 MsgBox "The page name of the chosen view is: " & vbCr & s
 Set Vw = Nothing
 Set VwCollection = Nothing
End Sub

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