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Object Model Reference : Classes : T : TextureFill : Methods : TextureFill.Select


Sub Select(Texture As String, [Library As String])


Member of TextureFill

The Select method replaces a texture fill in a shape with another texture fill.

Specifies the name of the new texture to be applied
Specifies the name of the texture library to which the new texture belongs. This parameter is optional.

VBA example

The following VBA example loops though all shapes on a page and searches for a modified texture fill that is based on a preset library. When found, the fill is replaced with the original style pattern upon which the current fill is based.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 Dim tf As TextureFill
 For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes
  If s.Fill.Type = cdrTextureFill Then
   Set tf = s.Fill.Texture
   If tf.LibraryName <> "" Then
    tf.Select tf.StyleName
   End If
  End If
 Next s
End Sub

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