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Object Model Reference : Classes : T : TextFrame : Properties : TextFrame.Path


Property Path As Shape


Member of TextFrame

The Path property returns a read-only reference to the path to which text is fitted.

VBA example

The following VBA example links frames of paragraph text. It then fits text to an ellipse and displays the index number of each frame that is fitted to a shape.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 Dim s1 As Shape
 Dim s2 As Shape
 Dim t As Text
 Dim f As TextFrame
 Dim d As Document
 Set d = CreateDocument
 Set s = d.ActiveLayer.CreateParagraphText(2, 2, 5, 5, String$(1000, "Z"))
 Set s1 = d.ActiveLayer.CreateParagraphText(5, 5, 8, 8)
 Set s2 = d.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(8, 8, 10, 10)
 Set t = s.Text
 ' Link the frames together.
 t.Frame.LinkTo s1
 ' Fit the text to the ellipse.
 s.Text.FitToPath s2
 ' Go through the frames.
 For Each f In t.Frames
  If f.IsFittedToPath = True Then
   Select Case f.Path.Type
    Case 2
     MsgBox "Frame " & f.Index & " is fitted to an ellipse."
    Case Else
     MsgBox "Frame " & f.Index & " is fitted to a shape."
   End Select
  End If
 Next f
End Sub

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