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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : StructHyphenationSettings : Properties : StructHyphenationSettings.MinCharactersBefore


Property MinCharactersBefore As Long


Member of StructHyphenationSettings

The MinCharactersBefore property returns or specifies the minimum number of characters (including spaces) that must appear in the hot-zone before a hyphen. For example, if MinCharactersBefore is set to 3, the only words that receive hyphenation are the ones that would have at least three characters before the hyphen.

For the MinCharactersBefore property to work, the StructHyphenationSettings.UseAutomaticHyphenation property must be set to True.
VBA example

The following VBA example enables automatic hyphenation for the selected text object, specifying a minimum of 2 characters to be left on a line or carried to the next line following a hyphen.

Sub Test()
 With ActiveShape.Text.HyphenationSettings
  .UseAutomaticHyphenation = True
  .MinCharactersBefore = 2
  .MinCharactersAfter = 2
 End With
End Sub

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