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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : StructAlignProperties : Properties : StructAlignProperties.CharacterRotation


Property CharacterRotation As Single


Member of StructAlignProperties

The CharacterRotation property returns or specifies the rotation angle for the characters in a text object. This property is measured in degrees and has a maximum value of 360.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a text object and rotates each character at a random angle.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape, i As Long
 Dim sText As String
 sText = "Random Text"
 Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, sText)
 For i = 1 To Len(sText)
  s.Text.AlignPropertiesInRange(i, 1).CharacterRotation = (Rnd() - 0.5) * 90
 Next i
End Sub

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