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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : Segment : Properties : Segment.Type


Property Type As cdrSegmentType


Member of Segment

The Type property returns or specifies the type (line or curve) of the segment.

This property can be used to convert the segment type between line and curve.

This property returns cdrSegmentType.

VBA example

The following VBA example counts the number of curve and line segments in the selected curve shape.

Sub Test()
 Dim seg As Segment, ls As Long, cs As Long
 If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
 If ActiveShape.Type <> cdrCurveShape Then Exit Sub
 ls = 0
 cs = 0
 For Each seg In ActiveShape.Curve.Segments
  Select Case seg.Type
   Case cdrLineSegment
    ls = ls + 1
   Case cdrCurveSegment
    cs = cs + 1
  End Select
 Next seg
 MsgBox "The current curve has " & ActiveShape.Curve.Segments.Count & _
   " segments including:" & vbCr & _
   "Line segments: " & ls & vbCr & _
   "Curve segments: " & cs
End Sub

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