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Object Model Reference : Classes : S : Segment : Properties : Segment.StartingControlPointAngle


Property StartingControlPointAngle As Double


Member of Segment

The StartingControlPointAngle property returns or specifies the angle, in degrees, of the control-point vector beginning of a segment.

VBA example

The following VBA example constrains control point angles to increments of 45°. Each control-point vector is rotated to the closest angle that is a multiple of 45°.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 Dim seg As Segment
 Set s = ActiveShape
 If s.Type = cdrCurveShape Then
  For Each seg In s.Curve.Segments
   If seg.Type = cdrCurveSegment Then
    seg.StartingControlPointAngle = Constrain(seg.StartingControlPointAngle)
    seg.EndingControlPointAngle = Constrain(seg.EndingControlPointAngle)
   End If
  Next seg
 End If
End Sub
Private Function Constrain(a As Double) As Double
 Constrain = Fix(a / 45 + 0.5) * 45
End Function

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