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Object Model Reference : Classes : P : Properties : Properties : Properties.Item


Property Item(Name As String, ID As Long) As Variant


Member of Properties

The Item property returns the data item specified by the data name and ID. It can also be used to assign data to an object.

Item is the default property of the Properties class.

Specifies the data item by its name
Specifies the data item by its ID

VBA example

The following VBA example creates three different custom property records in the current document and retrieves their values. The values are saved along with the document and made available in the next session, unless you delete them by using the Properties.Delete or Properties.DeleteByIndex method.

Sub Test()
 Const MyMacroName As String = "MyTestMacro"
 With ActiveDocument
  .Properties(MyMacroName, 1) = "My String 1" ' String
  .Properties(MyMacroName, 2) = 1    ' Integer
  .Properties(MyMacroName, 3) = Atn(1) * 4 ' Double
  MsgBox .Properties(MyMacroName, 1)
  MsgBox .Properties(MyMacroName, 2)
  MsgBox .Properties(MyMacroName, 3)
 End With
End Sub

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