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Object Model Reference : Classes : P : Printer : Properties : Printer.Ready


Property Ready As Boolean


Member of Printer

The Ready property returns the ready state of a printer.

The Ready property returns a read-only value.

VBA example

The following VBA example lists all printers that are not ready to print.

Sub Test()
 Dim intCounter As Integer
 Dim Prn As Printer
 Dim s As String
  For intCounter = 1 To Printers.Count
   Set Prn = Printers(intCounter)
    If Prn.Ready = False Then
     s = s & Prn.Type & vbCr
    End If
  Next intCounter
 MsgBox "The following printers are not ready: " & vbCr & vbCr & s
 Set Prn = Nothing
End Sub

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