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Object Model Reference : Classes : P : PatternCanvas : Methods : PatternCanvas.CopyArea


Sub CopyArea(x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, x As Long, y As Long)


Member of PatternCanvas

The CopyArea method copies an area of a pattern canvas, defined by two coordinates, and then moves that area to a new location on the canvas.

Specifies the x-coordinate of the first point that defines the area to copy on the pattern canvas. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the y-coordinate of the first point that defines the area to copy on the pattern canvas. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the x-coordinate of the second point that defines the area to copy on the pattern canvas. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the y-coordinate of the second point that defines the area to copy on the pattern canvas. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the horizontal position of the point on the pattern canvas that marks the new location of the copied area. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the vertical position of a point on the pattern canvas that marks the new location of the copied area. This value is measured in document units.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a “windmill” pattern by drawing a circle and rotating half of that circle by 90°. It then copies the resulting pattern and rotates the copy by 180°.

Sub Test()
 Dim c As New PatternCanvas
 Dim a As Double, x As Long, y As Long
 c.Size = cdrPatternCanvas64x64
 DrawCircle c, 32, 16, 16, True
 c.CopyArea 0, 0, 31, 31, 32, 0
 c.RotateArea 32, 0, 63, 31, -90
 c.CopyArea 0, 0, 63, 31, 0, 32
 c.RotateArea 0, 32, 63, 63, 180
 With ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(0, 0, 2, 2)
  .Fill.ApplyPatternFill cdrTwoColorPattern
  .Fill.Pattern.Canvas = c
 End With
End Sub
' ==== The following two subroutines draw a circle on a canvas
Private Sub DrawCircle(c As PatternCanvas, CenterX As Long, CenterY As Long, Radius As Long, Filled As Boolean)
 Dim p As Long, x As Long, y As Long
 x = 0
 y = Radius
 Plot c, x, y, CenterX, CenterY, Filled
 p = 1 - Radius
 While x < y
  If p < 0 Then
   x = x + 1
   p = p + 2 * x + 1
   x = x + 1
   y = y - 1
   p = p + 2 * (x - y) + 1
  End If
  Plot c, x, y, CenterX, CenterY, Filled
End Sub
Private Sub Plot(c As PatternCanvas, x As Long, y As Long, cx As Long, cy As Long, Filled As Boolean)
 If Filled Then
  c.Line (cx + x, cy + y)-(cx - x, cy + y)
  c.Line (cx + x, cy - y)-(cx - x, cy - y)
  c.Line (cx + y, cy + x)-(cx - y, cy + x)
  c.Line (cx + y, cy - x)-(cx - y, cy - x)
  c.PSet (cx + x, cy + y)
  c.PSet (cx - x, cy + y)
  c.PSet (cx + x, cy - y)
  c.PSet (cx - x, cy - y)
  c.PSet (cx + y, cy + x)
  c.PSet (cx - y, cy + x)
  c.PSet (cx + y, cy - x)
  c.PSet (cx - y, cy - x)
 End If
End Sub

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