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Object Model Reference : Classes : P : Palette : Properties : Palette.Type


Property Type As cdrPaletteType


Member of Palette

The Type property returns whether a palette is a custom palette (for example, a CorelDRAW palette or any user-created palette) or a fixed palette (for example, PANTONE, Netscape, TOYO, or FOCOLTONE).

The Type property returns a read-only value, cdrPaletteType.

VBA example

The following VBA example displays the total number of palettes that are open, as well as the number of fixed and custom palettes.

Sub Test()
 Dim fx As Long, cs As Long
 Dim pal As Palette
 fx = 0
 cs = 0
 For Each pal In Palettes
  Select Case pal.Type
   Case cdrFixedPalette
    fx = fx + 1
   Case cdrCustomPalette
    cs = cs + 1
  End Select
 Next pal
 MsgBox "Total palettes open: " & Palettes.Count & vbCr & _
  "Fixed palettes: " & fx & vbCr & _
  "Custom palettes: " & cs
End Sub

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