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Object Model Reference : Classes : O : Outline : Properties : Outline.Style


Property Style As OutlineStyle


Member of Outline

The Style property returns an OutlineStyle object that represents the outline style (for example, solid, dashed, and so on).

VBA example

The following VBA example searches through all shapes on the active page. If the width of a shape’s outline is greater than 0.1", a Dot outline style is applied to the shape.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes
  If s.Outline.Width > 0.1 Then
   s.Outline.Style = OutlineStyles(1)
  End If
 Next s
End Sub
Sub Test()
 With ActiveShape.Outline
  .Width = 0.03
  .Style.DashCount = 2
  .Style.DashLength(1) = 1
  .Style.DashLength(2) = 10
  .Style.GapLength(1) = 4
  .Style.GapLength(2) = 4
 End With
End Sub

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