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Object Model Reference : Classes : N : Node : Properties : Node.PositionY


Property PositionY As Double


Member of Node

The PositionY property returns or specifies the y-coordinate of a node relative to its reference point.

VBA example

The following VBA example draws a small ellipse over each node in the selected curve and colors each ellipse according to the node type.

Sub ShowNodes()
 Dim n As Node
 Dim s As Shape
 For Each n In ActiveShape.Curve.Nodes
  Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(n.PositionX, n.PositionY, 0.05)
  Select Case n.Type
   Case cdrSymmetricalNode
    s.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 0, 0, 255
   Case cdrSmoothNode
    s.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 255, 255, 0
   Case cdrCuspNode
    s.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0
  End Select
 Next n
End Sub

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