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Object Model Reference : Classes : N : NodeRange : Properties : NodeRange.Type


Property Type As cdrNodeType


Member of NodeRange

The Type property returns the node type used in a node range. If multiple node types are used, cdrNodeType is returned.

The Type property can be used with the NodeRange.Item property, to return the node type for a specific node within a range.

The Type property returns a read-only value.

VBA example

The following VBA example displays the number of nodes selected and their type — for example, 5 cusp nodes selected or 3 nodes of different type selected.

Sub Test()
 Dim nr As NodeRange
 Dim s As String
 Set nr = ActiveShape.Curve.Selection
 If nr.Count = 0 Then
  s = "No nodes selected"
  s = CStr(nr.Count) & " "
  Select Case nr.Type
   Case cdrSymmetricalNode
    s = s & "symmetrical"
   Case cdrSmoothNode
    s = s & "smooth"
   Case cdrCuspNode
    s = s & "cusp"
   Case cdrMixedNodes
    s = s & "nodes of different type"
  End Select
  If nr.Type <> cdrMixedNodes Then s = s & " nodes"
  s = s & " selected"
 End If
 MsgBox s
End Sub

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