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Object Model Reference : Classes : L : Layer : Methods : Layer.CreateGridBoxes


Function CreateGridBoxes(Left As Double, Top As Double, Right As Double, Bottom As Double, Wide As Long, High As Long) As Shape


Member of Layer

The CreateGridBoxes method creates a group of rectangles (similarly to using the Graph Paper tool) at a specified location on a layer.

Specifies the distance from the left side of the first rectangle grid box to the left side of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the distance from the top of the first rectangle grid box to the top of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the distance from the right side of the first rectangle grid box to the right side of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the first rectangle grid box to the bottom of the page frame. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the horizontal size of each rectangular grid box. This value is measured in document units.
Specifies the vertical measurement of the rectangle. This value is measured in document units.

VBA example

The following VBA example creates a series of rectangles on the active layer, resembling 2 × 3 graph paper.

Sub Test()
 ActiveLayer.CreateGridBoxes 0, 0, 5, 5, 2, 3
End Sub

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