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Object Model Reference : Classes : E : ExtrudeVanishingPoint : Properties : ExtrudeVanishingPoint.PositionY


Property PositionY As Double


Member of ExtrudeVanishingPoint

The PositionY property returns or specifies the y-coordinate of a vanishing point for an extrusion.

VBA example

The following VBA example locks, to the page, all vanishing points for all extrusions on the page, and it moves the vanishing points to the lower-left corner of the page.

Sub Test1()
 Dim s As Shape, eff As Effect, zip As EffectZipperDistortion
 For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes
  For Each eff In s.Effects
   If eff.Type = cdrExtrude Then
    With eff.Extrude.VanishingPoint
     .Type = cdrVPLockedToPage
     .PositionX = 0
     .PositionY = 0
     End With
    Exit For
   End If
  Next eff
 Next s
End Sub

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