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Object Model Reference : Classes : E : Ellipse : Methods : Ellipse.GetCenterPosition


Sub GetCenterPosition(PositionX As Double, PositionY As Double)


Member of Ellipse

The GetCenterPosition method retrieves the coordinates of the center of an ellipse. Using GetCenterPosition is equivalent to getting the values of both CenterX and CenterY properties at the same time.

Specifies the x-coordinate for the center of an ellipse, measured in document units
Specifies the y-coordinate for the center of an ellipse, measured in document units

VBA example

The following VBA example increases the radius of the ellipse both horizontally and vertically by 2". Changing the radius of an ellipse causes its center to move. To preserve the center position of the ellipse, the GetCenterPosition and SetCenterPosition methods are used.

Sub Test()
 Dim x As Double, y As Double
 Dim rx As Double, ry As Double
 With ActiveShape.Ellipse
  .GetCenterPosition x, y
  .GetRadius rx, ry
  .SetRadius rx + 2, ry + 2
  .SetCenterPosition x, y
 End With
End Sub

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