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Object Model Reference : Classes : E : EffectTextOnPath : Properties : EffectTextOnPath.Placement


Property Placement As cdrFittedPlacement


Member of EffectTextOnPath

The Placement property returns or specifies the placement of text on an open curve.

This property returns a value of cdrFittedPlacement.

See also the EffectTextOnPath.Quadrant property.
VBA example

The following VBA example places the text in the middle of a curve.

Sub Test()
 Dim sText As Shape, sPath As Shape
 Set sText = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, "Some Text")
 Set sPath = ActiveLayer.CreateCurveSegment(0.6, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 3, 80, 3, -100)
 sText.Text.FitToPath sPath
 sText.Effects(1).TextOnPath.Placement = cdrCenterPlacement
End Sub

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