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Object Model Reference : Classes : E : EffectDropShadow : Properties : EffectDropShadow.Type


Property Type As cdrDropShadowType


Member of EffectDropShadow

The Type property returns or specifies the type of the drop shadow.

This property returns cdrDropShadowType.

VBA example

The following VBA example selects all shapes with flat drop shadows on the page.

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 Dim sr As New ShapeRange
 For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes
  If s.Type = cdrDropShadowGroupShape Then
   If s.Effect.DropShadow.Type = cdrDropShadowFlat Then
    sr.Add s.Previous ' To select the control shape
    sr.Add s ' To select the shadow bitmap itself
   End If
  End If
 Next s
End Sub

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