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Object Model Reference : Classes : D : Document : Methods : Document.Selection


Function Selection() As Shape


Member of Document

The Selection property returns a special selection object that represents all selected shapes in the document.

You can use a Shapes collection to access each individual selected shape. You can work with the selection object in almost the same way as you would with a regular shape: for example, you can move it, delete it, or apply a fill or outline to it.
VBA example

The following VBA example sets the selected objects to the lower-left corner of the page and stretches them so they fit in a box that is 3" × 3".

Sub Test()
 Dim s As Shape
 Set s = ActiveDocument.Selection
 If s.Shapes.Count = 0 Then
  MsgBox "No Object Selected"
  Exit Sub
 End If
 ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft
 s.SetPosition 0, 0
 s.SetSize 3, 3
End Sub

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