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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : Curve : Methods : Curve.AppendCurve


Sub AppendCurve(Source As Curve)


Member of Curve

The AppendCurve method appends subpaths from a source curve to the current curve.

Specifies the source curve

VBA example

The following VBA example iterates through all of the shapes on the active page and creates a new curve that contains all of the shapes. The new curve is filled with red.

Sub Test()
 Dim crv As Curve, s As Shape
 Set crv = CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
 For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes
  crv.AppendCurve s.DisplayCurve
 Next s
 Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
 s.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0
End Sub

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