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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.StretchObject


Function StretchObject(XScaleNumerator As Double, XScaleDenominator As Double, YScaleNumerator As Double, YScaleDenominator As Double, HMirror As Boolean, VMirror As Boolean, ReferenceNum As Long) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The StretchObject method stretches or mirrors the selected object.

Specifies the amount by which the selected object is stretched along the x-axis. The final stretch value is determined by dividing this value by the XScaleDenominator value; the object becomes smaller if the final value is less than 1, larger if the final value is greater than 1.
Specifies the amount by which the selected object is stretched along the x-axis. The final stretch value is determined by dividing the XScaleNumerator value by this value; the object becomes smaller if the final value is less than 1, larger if the final value is greater than 1.
Specifies the amount by which the selected object is stretched along the y-axis. The final stretch value is determined by dividing this value by the YScaleDenominator value; the object becomes smaller if the final value is less than 1, larger if the final value is greater than 1.
Specifies the amount by which the selected object is stretched along the y-axis. The final stretch value is determined by dividing the YScaleNumerator value by this value; the object becomes smaller if the final value is less than 1, larger if the final value is greater than 1.
Specifies whether to horizontally mirror the selected object. True (-1) enables this option.
Specifies whether to vertically mirror the selected object. True (-1) enables this option.
Specifies the reference point:
1 = upper-right
2 = upper-middle
3 = upper-left
4 = middle-left
5 = lower-left
6 = lower-middle
7 = lower-right
8 = middle-right
9 = center

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