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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.SetPageLayout


Function SetPageLayout(LayoutType As Long) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The SetPageLayout method specifies the layout of a page.

Specifies the style of the page layout:
1 = Full Page, which prints one full page per sheet
2 = Book, which prints two pages per sheet (to be cut down the middle)
3 = Booklet, which prints two pages per sheet (to be folded vertically for a side fold)
4 = Tent Card, which prints two pages per sheet (to be folded horizontally for a top fold)
5 = Side-Fold Card, which prints four pages per sheet (to be folded horizontally for a top fold and then vertically for a side fold)
6 = Top-Fold Card, which prints four pages per sheet (to be folded vertically for a side fold and then horizontally for a top fold)

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