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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.RotateObject


Function RotateObject(Angle As Long, UseObjectsCenter As Boolean, XCenter As Long, YCenter As Long) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The RotateObject method rotates the selected object.

Specifies the angle of rotation of the selected object, expressed in millionths of a degree. Negative values rotate the object clockwise from its current position, while positive values rotate it counterclockwise — for example, 45° clockwise = -45000000. To determine angle measurements, use the CorelScriptTools.AngleConvert method.
Specifies whether to rotate around the center of the object. True (-1) enables this option, while False (0) disables it.
Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the center of the object to be rotated, in tenths of a micron and relative to the center of the page
Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the center of the object to be rotated, in tenths of a micron and relative to the center of the page

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