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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.GetFountainFill


Function GetFountainFill(Type As Long, CenterX As Long, CenterY As Long, Angle As Long, Steps As Long, Padding As Long, Blend As Long, Rate As Long, NumColors As Long) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The GetFillType method returns the fountain-fill attributes of the selected object (or of the last object in a selection):

Specifies the type of fountain fill to apply:
0 = Linear (default)
1 = Radial
2 = Conical
3 = Square
Specifies the horizontal offset of the center of the fill. Valid values range from -100 to 100 percent; a value of -50% places the center on the left edge of the object, while a value of 50% places it on the right edge.
For linear (Type = 0) fills, this parameter is ignored and can be set to 0.
Specifies the vertical offset of the center of the fill. Valid values range from -100 to 100 percent; a value of -50% places the center on the bottom edge of the object, while a value of 50% places it on the top edge.
For linear (Type = 0) fills, this parameter is ignored and can be set to 0.
Specifies the angle at which the fill is applied, in degrees. Positive values rotate the fill counterclockwise, while negative values rotate it clockwise.
Specifies the desired number of steps. Valid values range from 2 to 256; lower values produce coarser fountains on screen, which take less time to redraw.
Specifies the amount of padding to apply to the fill. Valid values range from 0 to 45 percent.
Specifies the blending type:
0 = Direct (default)
1 = Rainbow clockwise
2 = Rainbow counterclocwise
3 = Custom
Specifies the rate method used to apply the fill
Specifies the number of colors

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