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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.CloneObject


Function CloneObject(XOffset As Long, YOffset As Long) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The CloneObject method copies the selected object, offsetting the copy from the original.

Most changes applied to the original (or “master”) object are automatically applied to the copy (or “clone”). For example, if you change the master’s fill, the clone’s fill changes as well.
However, if you change the attributes of the clone, the changed attributes no longer depend on those of the master. For example, after you change a clone’s fill, that fill is no longer changed when the master’s fill is changed; likewise, if you stretch a clone, it is no longer stretched when the master is stretched.

Specifies the horizontal distance by which to offset the clone
Specifies the vertical distance by which to offset the clone

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