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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScript : Methods : CorelScript.ApplyOutline


Function ApplyOutline(Width As Long, Type As Long, EndCaps As Long, JoinType As Long, Aspect As Long, Angle As Long, DotDash As Long, RightArrow As Long, LeftArrow As Long, BehindFill As Boolean, OutlineType As Long, Preset As Long, ScalePen As Boolean) As Long


Member of CorelScript

The ApplyOutline method applies an outline to the selected object.

Specifies the width of the outline, in tenths of a micron
Specifies the outline type:
0 = None
1 = Solid
2 = Dot - Dash
Specifies the end caps to apply to the outline:
0 = Butt
1 = Round
2 = Square
Specifies the outline-join type:
0 = Miter
1 = Round
2 = Bevel
Specifies the stretch field, which adjusts the width of the nib. Valid values range from 1 to 100 percent.
Specifies the angle of the nib’s edge, in tenths of a degree. To determine angle measurements, use the CorelScriptTools.AngleConvert method.
Specifies the type of dot/dash line, as listed in the Style list box of the Outline Pen dialog box. The types are numbered and identified according to their position in the list — the first listed type is identified as 0, the second listed type is identified as 1, and so on.
Specifies the type of right arrow, as listed in the right Arrows list box of the Outline Pen dialog box. The types are numbered and identified according to their position in the list — the first listed type is identified as 0, the second listed type is identified as 1, and so on.
Specifies the type of left arrow, as listed in the left Arrows list box of the Outline Pen dialog box. The types are numbered and identified according to their position in the list — the first listed type is identified as 0, the second listed type is identified as 1, and so on.
Specifies where to position the outline. True (-1) positions the outline behind the fill, while False (0) positions it in front of the fill.
Specifies the type of preset outline:
0 = Pen
1 = Outline
2 = PenOutline
Specifies the tint of the outline. Values range from 1 (0%) to 11 (100%); a value of 0 has no effect on the outline.
This parameter is used only if the selected outline type supports preset tints.
Specifies whether to scale the outline when the object is scaled. True (-1) enables scaling.

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