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Object Model Reference : Classes : C : CorelScriptTools : Methods : CorelScriptTools.GetColor


Function GetColor(Red As Long, Green As Long, Blue As Long) As Boolean


Member of CorelScriptTools

The GetColor method displays a standard Windows Color dialog box and returns color setting values from the RGB color model (Red, Green, Blue).

Specifies the numeric variable that is passed the Red setting of the selected color (0 to 255). You can also use this variable to set an initial value.
Specifies the numeric variable that is passed the Green setting of the selected color (0 to 255). You can also use this variable to set an initial value.
Specifies the numeric variable that is passed the Blue setting of the selected color (0 to 255). You can also use this variable to set an initial value.

The GetColor function returns one of the following values:

True (-1) = the Cancel button was not clicked
False (0) = the Cancel button was clicked

Here is a code example:

GETCOLOR MyRed%, MyGreen%, MyBlue%

The above example displays the following dialog box and returns the RGB color settings for the selected color to the numeric variables MyRed, MyGreen, and MyBlue.

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