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Object Model Reference : Classes : A : Application : Properties : Application.VersionMajor


Property VersionMajor As Long


Member of Application

The VersionMajor property returns version information about CorelDRAW. The VersionMajor property returns only the first part of the version number (to the left of the decimal place). For example, if the current version is 14.123, the major version value would be 14.

The VersionMajor property returns a read-only value.

VBA example

The following VBA example checks the current version of CorelDRAW to ensure that the version number is at least 14.123.

Sub MajorVersion()
 If VersionMajor = 14 And VersionBuild < 123 Then
  MsgBox "This script required that CorelDRAW version 14.123 or later be installed."
 End If
End Sub

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