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Object Model Reference : Classes : A : Application : Methods : Application.InitializeVBA


Function InitializeVBA() As Boolean


Member of Application

The InitializeVBA method loads and initializes the Macro Editor.

This method is called from an automation controller such as Visual Basic (VB) or C++.

VBA example

The following VBA example runs the specified VBA macro, “CreatePuzzlePiece,” from a VB project.

The first subroutine should be placed in a code module named “TestModule.” The second subroutine should be placed in the code of a form module of a standard EXE project in VB. There must be a command button on the form.

Public Sub CreatePuzzlePiece()
 Dim s As Shape, sp As SubPath, crv As Curve
 Dim i As Integer
 Optimization = True
 Set crv = Application.CreateCurve(ActiveDocument)
 Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(1.351, 8.545)
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 1.351, 8.926, 0.127, 89.901, 0.127, -64.56
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 1.156, 8.952, 0.066, 115.44, 0.066, -48.906
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 1.156, 9.15, 0.065, 131.09, 0.065, -133.149
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 1.351, 9.163, 0.065, 46.846, 0.065, -116.315
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 1.351, 9.545, 0.127, 63.683, 0.127, -89.902
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.976, 9.545, 0.125, 179.951, 0.125, 25.612
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.96, 9.342, 0.063, -154.391, 0.063, 40.943
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.767, 9.339, 0.067, -139.06, 0.067, -41.987
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.752, 9.547, 0.063, 138.014, 0.065, -33.906
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.351, 9.545, 0.134, 146.087, 0.134, 0.045
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.351, 9.163, 0.127, -90#, 0.127, 63.681
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.156, 9.15, 0.065, -116.317, 0.065, 46.846
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.156, 8.952, 0.065, -133.152, 0.065, 131.093
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.351, 8.926, 0.066, -48.906, 0.066, 115.439
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.351, 8.545, 0.127, -64.561, 0.127, 90#
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.752, 8.547, 0.134, 0.002, 0.134, 146.087
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.767, 8.339, 0.065, -33.908, 0.063, 138.012
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.96, 8.342, 0.067, -41.987, 0.067, -139.058
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 0.976, 8.545, 0.063, 40.943, 0.063, -154.388
 sp.AppendCurveSegment 1.351, 8.545, 0.125, 25.613, 0.125, 179.998
 sp.Closed = True
 Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
 Optimization = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim cDraw As Object
 Dim gms As CorelDRAW.GMSManager
 Set cDraw = CreateObject("CorelDRAW.Application")
 cDraw.Visible = True
 Set gms = cDraw.GMSManager
 gms.RunMacro "GlobalMacros", "TestModule.CreatePuzzlePiece"
End Sub

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