特殊的 null 值表示一个变量没有值。NULL 类型唯一可能的值就是 null

在下列情况下一个变量被认为是 null

  • 被赋值为 null

  • 尚未被赋值。

  • unset()


null 类型只有一个值,就是不区分大小写的常量 null


参见 is_null()unset()

转换到 NULL


本特性已自 PHP 7.2.0 起废弃。强烈建议不要使用本特性。

使用 (unset) $var 将一个变量转换为 null不会删除该变量或 unset 其值。仅是返回 null 值而已。

User Contributed Notes

hydrogen at live dot in 10-Apr-2021 03:39
I would like to add for clarification that:

// $x is still NULL.
// Decrementing NULL, using Decrement Operator, gives NULL.

// $x is now int(-1).
// This actually decrements value by 1.

On the other hand, Incrementation works simply as expected.
Hope this helps :)
Mojo 10-Feb-2021 10:18
Pay attention then using operator -- on NULL values:

$x = null;
--$x;      // $x is NULL
$x--;      // still NULL
$x -= 1;   // $x is -1

On other side for ++ everything works fine:

$x = null;
++$x;      // $ix is 1
Anonymous 11-Jan-2018 07:38
Note: Non Strict Comparison '==' returns bool(true) for

null == 0 <-- returns true

Use Strict Comparison Instead

null === 0 <-- returns false
Hayley Watson 07-Dec-2017 11:07
NULL is supposed to indicate the absence of a value, rather than being thought of as a value itself. It's the empty slot, it's the missing information, it's the unanswered question. It's not a jumped-up zero or empty set.

This is why a variable containing a NULL is considered to be unset: it doesn't have a value. Setting a variable to NULL is telling it to forget its value without providing a replacement value to remember instead. The variable remains so that you can give it a proper value to remember later; this is especially important when the variable is an array element or object property.

It's a bit of semantic awkwardness to speak of a "null value", but if a variable can exist without having a value, the language and implementation have to have something to represent that situation. Because someone will ask. If only to see if the slot has been filled.
quickpick 22-Apr-2011 03:36
Note: empty array is converted to null by non-strict equal '==' comparison. Use is_null() or '===' if there is possible of getting empty array.

$a = array();

$a == null  <== return true
$a === null < == return false
is_null($a) <== return false