
(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Imagick::__constructThe Imagick constructor


public Imagick::__construct ( mixed $files = ? )

Creates an Imagick instance for a specified image or set of images.



The path to an image to load or an array of paths. Paths can include wildcards for file names, or can be URLs.


Returns a new Imagick object on success.


错误时抛出 ImagickException。

User Contributed Notes

divinity76 at gmail dot com 22-Apr-2019 07:55
if you need to create an image from a string containing the image binary, use readImageBlob, eg

= new Imagick();

likewise if you need to create an image from a file handle (without having the filepath), use readImageFile()
Jerome 04-Dec-2013 11:05
you can use PDF page as image. To do that, install ghostscript libraries.
IMagick use ghostscript to read PDF page.

= '/pdf/mypdf.pdf';
$image = new Imagick(realpath($myurl).'[0]'); //[0] indicate the number of the wanted page
$image->setResolution( 300, 300 );
$image->setImageFormat( "png" );
andyearnshaw at do-not-spam-mygmail dot com 13-Mar-2013 10:13
If you try and load an ICO file whose extension isn't .ico, you'll get an error going along the lines of no delegate existing for the supplied image's format.  The can occur, for example, if you're using a temporary file.

= tempnam('cache/images', 'ico_');

if (
copy('http://remote.url/favicon.ico', $tmp)) {
$ico = new Imagick($tmp);  // <-- ERROR!

Your first thought might be to rename your temporary file's extension to .ico, but I decided to try something that works on the command line―prefix the file name with 'ico:'

= tempnam('cache/images', 'ico_');

if (
copy('http://remote.url/favicon.ico', $tmp)) {
$ico = new Imagick("ico:$tmp");  // <-- Works great!
martin at lks dot com 23-May-2012 04:29
If you are using windows imagemagick, at leat in my case, you have to include the full path of the file, including the 'c:' at the beginning. If you don't know for sure the way that the filename is going to come, you can use realpath() function to normalize it:

= '/Users/John/Desktop/file_loco.jpg';
$img = new Imagick(realpath($incoming_file));
// realpath() will convert '/Users/John/Desktop/file_loco.jpg' to 'C:\Users\John\Desktop\file_loco.jpg'
    // and ImageMagick will have no trouble when loading